LLACUNA INC. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service – Your donation is 100% tax-deductible. IRS.GOV Tax Information Donations serve direct aid relief to individuals and organizations approved by Llacuna. Your donation is made secure and accountable by ACTBLUE CHARITIES and LLACUNA INC.
Llacuna provides aid for relief organizations that help families and individuals globally.
Why give to support relief + aid?
When you make a tax-deductible donation to Llacuna for relief + aid, you are contributing to a registered NGO (non-governmental organization) that works with partner organizations to help provide disaster relief and aid globally. Llacuna has been providing effective — and efficient — humanitarian aid to families caught in crisis since 2018. Through investments made in obscurity, we help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their futures.
What does my donation go to?
100% of your donation
directly funds aid relief,
benefiting families in need.
Can I donate clothing or other goods?
We cannot accept in-kind donations of emergency relief items from the general public for aid outside of the U.S. These items often include offers of air travel, clothing, tents, food items, etc. Additional information on why the Llacuna and other aid organizations adhere to these policies can be found on the Center for International Disaster Information website.